
This year’s breeding season is winding down. We survived the winter’s bitter cold nights, outdoor skating rinks from ice storms and crazy mud from all the spring rain. All of the mares, those with or without offspring are moving out to pasture for the summer. It’s time for them to enjoy what they do best, eat! Why not allow them to enjoy the fresh pasture forage while we have it rather then that crazy high priced hay, right?

Last year’s offspring are growing and changing daily. This is such an important time for our yearlings. Growth management should be ongoing, but now is a crucial time as they’re doing their teeter totter of withers to butt growth spurts. Monitoring their growth rate and supporting them nutritionally during this time cannot be stressed enough. The benefits to this are supportive to their upcoming sale preparation and training, less injury, reduces the risk of bone and joint problems while improving bone development which all equals less vet visits! It’s a win, win!

As some of you may be familiar with the name RESOLVE, I had the honour to not only foal him out but to have him return the following year as a yearling to be prepped for the Harrisburg Sale in 2012. This feisty, yet intelligent colt came as a fresh out of winter look to a fit, handsome and flashy yearling ready for sale. He sold for $115,000 USD and is still racing with a mark of 1:50.4, with life earnings of over $2.2 million USD. He looks far from done too! Why do I share this already familiar news with you? Well that would be because I’m proud to have had a hand in the start of his life and career. JLS takes a lot of pride in the work that is done here.

“Over the last few years, I have had all my mares foal out at JLS Equine, with a one hundred percent success rate. I would highly recommend this facility.   Jesse is very knowledgeable, hard working and has great empathy for the horses in her care.”

~Edward W. Wilson of Seagrave, Ont (breeder/owner of Resolve at time of sale)

We all know that our yearlings tend to get a tad neglected in the winter months with our busy foaling and breeding seasons and it doesn’t take long for these youngsters to return back to their natural ‘wild horse’ manner. But this time when they come in for the farrier or to be worked with, they are twice sometimes three times the size. This can make yearling preparation, whether it be for the upcoming sale season or heading straight to their trainers to prepare for their race career, a tad more difficult.

If you are looking for a place to get your yearling ready for the upcoming sales this fall or to send to your trainers (who always appreciates a well-mannered and nutritionally ready young horse) then now is the time to decide where to send them to give them the best start to their careers. You can check out JLS Equine Services Inc., website for more information or just call and book them in right away.

Thank you for reading. JLS wishes you and your offspring all the success this upcoming year!

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